First Responders Counseling

Putting first responders’ mental health on the front lines.


Managing anxiety

First responders often get anxious anticipating what their day might hold. “Schedule and routine are the enemies of anxiety,” As an anxiety expert, I can incorporate comforting activities and plan to manage the stress of your daily life.

Processing the trauma

Because emergency situations are filled with chaos and unpredictability, it is often difficult for first responders to slow down and think about what they can realistically control. Let’s talk about what you’ve experienced.


Anxiety Disorders affect more than 17 million Americans.…Help is here.
Put yourself first this time.

Developing transition plans

First responders often need help learning how to transition from work to home, where the rules may be different. I can help you develop transition plans to better manage the boundaries between work and home so that you are ready to take on the demands.


Yoga Therapy + Meditation